Let me start off by saying that I burn through blogs like nobodies business. I tend to start off quite enthusiastic, blogging just about every day. I think to myself: "must write blog, must have lot's of content." And then... Then I fizzle out. I hope to approach this particular blog differently. The idea this time around being quality over quantity.
If you haven't figured out from the title yet, this is a Warhammer blog. For the most part I will be focusing on the hobby side of the game. However, you can expect to see battle reports from time to time. Update's will usually be pertaining to the status of my very gray and not so built 750 point Orc & Goblin army. In the future I also hope to document the building of terrain and possibly a table. I may even be bold enough to attempt "How To" articles at some point.
If anything, I'm hoping that documenting my progress here will serve as some sort of motivation for me. I'm a lazy modeler and a slow painter! As you will soon discover.
There's more to come in the very near future!